2050Today - Climate Action

The 2050Today Charter

Signatory institutions

5 December 2023

The 2050Today Charter is signed

5 December 2023 - Palais Anna et Jean-Gabriel Eynard , Geneva

We, the signatory institutions, express our resolve to take the following actions and measures, consistent with our respective legal frameworks, towards a carbon free International Geneva :

1. Measuring regularly the carbon footprint of our activities;

2. Carrying out an initial assessment of our situation on one or possibly more sustainability sectors of the Charter;

3. Defining our own Action Plan and implementing it to work towards the corresponding targets;

4. Sharing the Action Plan with 2050Today and reporting on the set sustainability topics;

5. Communicating our climate action.

4 December 2024

International Geneva adopts its climate Action Plan

4 December 2024 - World Meteorological Organization, Geneva

On the occasion of the 3rd 2050Today High-Level Meeting held at the World Meteorological Organization, International Geneva has adopted its Climate Action Plan on 4 December 2024.

12 months after the signing of the 2050Today Charter for decarbonisation, 37 participant institutions (permanent Missions, international Organizations, Academia and civil society entities) have adopted a specific roadmap to reach their climate objectives, in accordance with the Paris Agreement and in line with Switzerland, State and City of Geneva’s climate strategies.

Together, these institutions, which employ 19,000 people, have pledged to implement over 1,000 actions aiming for an average 32% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions by 2030. These combined reductions represent a decrease of 53,000 tonnes of CO2 eq, comparable to the yearly emissions of 4,100 Swiss residents.

From energy-efficient buildings to greener mobility, responsible food systems, biodiversity protection, sustainable IT, and improved waste management, the adopted action plans reflect the determination of each institution to operate within planetary boundaries. With clear milestones set for 2025, 2028, and 2030, these plans represent a collective effort to tackle the pressing environmental challenges of our time.

By the numbers

37 institutions

19'000 employees

Over 1'000 climate actions

32% reduction in GHG emissions by 2030

53'000 tonnes CO2 eq decrease

the yearly emissions of 4'100 Swiss residents

What they say

The signatory institutions

To find out the specific climate goals, the actions and the carbon footprints,
click on the corresponding signatory institution

Permanent Missions to the United Nations in Geneva​

# Signature Action Plan Adoption
4Costa Rica05.12.202309.12.2024
7France (Mission to the Conference on Disarmament)05.12.202304.12.2024
8France (Mission to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other international organizations)05.12.202304.12.2024
14United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland05.12.202304.12.2024
15European Union05.12.202304.12.2024

International Organizations

# Signature Action Plan Adoption
1DNDi - Drugs for Neglected Diseases Initiative05.12.202304.12.2024
2HD - Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue20.03.202404.12.2024
3International Olympic Committee05.12.202304.12.2024
4Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights05.12.202304.12.2024
6UNHCR - United Nations Refugee Agency05.12.202304.12.2024
7UNICC - United Nations International Computing Center24.02.2025
8UNOG – United Nations Office at Geneva05.12.202304.12.2024
9WIPO - World Intellectual Property Organization04.12.2024
10WMO - World Meteorological Organization05.12.202304.12.2024

Academia and Civil society entities

# Signature Action Plan Adoption
1EPFL - Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne05.12.202301.03.2023
2HES - SO Genève05.12.202310.12.2024
3Geneva Graduate Institute05.12.202304.12.2024
4UNIGE - University of Geneva05.12.202304.12.2024
5CAGI - International Geneva Welcome Centre05.12.202304.12.2024
6CCIG - Geneva Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Services05.12.202304.12.2024
7Diplomatic Club of Geneva05.12.202304.12.2024
8EBU - European Broadcasting Union05.12.202304.12.2024
9EGPAF - Elisabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (Geneva Office)05.12.2023
10FIPOI - Building Foundation for International Organisations05.12.202304.12.2024
11Fondation pour Genève05.12.202304.12.2024
12GAHP - Global Alliance on Health and Pollution08.01.2025
13Geneva Call05.12.2023
14Health Diplomacy Alliance02.04.2024
15ICVA - International Council of Voluntary Agencies05.12.202304.12.2024
16Kofi Annan Foundation05.12.202304.12.2024
17NRC - Norwegian Refugee Council IDMC - Internal Displacement Monitoring Centre05.12.202304.12.2024
18Open Geneva05.12.2023
19PATH - Foundation for Appropriate Technology in Health (Geneva Office)05.12.202304.12.2024
20WCC - World Council of Churches05.12.202304.12.2024

Associate institution

# Signature Action Plan Adoption
1ILO - International Labour Organization05.12.202304.12.2024


Partner contributing to the achievement of the 2050Today Charter's objectives

2050Today Charter © 2023 by 2050Today is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0