
Executive Team

Jean-Pierre Reymond

Executive Director

Jean-Pierre Reymond is the Executive Director of 2050Today. He is a Swiss career diplomat. In recent years, he has focused on innovative forms of fostering climate action and has been entrusted with developing a climate action initiative for international Geneva. He coordinated the initial phase of 2050Today and later became its director. As Ambassador for International Humanitarian Law (IHL), he previously chaired the Intergovernmental Process to strengthen respect for IHL in partnership with the International Committee of the Red Cross (2017-2019). He has held various diplomatic positions in Europe, Latin America and the Middle East. He holds a master’s degree in Arabic, Egyptology and Sanskrit.

Fabrice Calame

Deputy Director

Fabrice Calame holds a Master of Arts (UNIGE) in contemporary history and a DAS in public administration (IDHEAP). After several years as a freelancer, he headed various NGOs active in education, soft mobility and nature protection.

Joining UNIGE in 2019, Fabrice Calame worked with Vice-Rector Jean-Marc Triscone to develop and steer UNIGE’s sustainability strategy. In this capacity, he has represented the institution in local, national and international sustainability networks. He also supervised the work of the staff of the SDGOffice, the entity responsible for implementing the strategy.

Within Audrey Leuba’s Rectorate, he is continuing his work coordinating environmental sustainability policies, in close collaboration with the Vice-Rector for Research and Sustainability, Sébastien Castelltort.

Nathan Masnada

Sustainability Manager

Nathan Masnada is Sustainability Manager, responsible for guiding 2050Today members in their decarbonization efforts. He is specifically tasked with assisting members in developing action plans and implementing concrete measures to reduce emissions, as well as overseeing carbon footprint calculations. He holds a Master’s degree in Energy Science and Technology from EPFL

Giulia Brocco

Deputy Manager

Giulia Brocco is Deputy Manager, in charge of coordinating and implementing budgetary, communication and human resources tasks in collaboration with UNIGE’s central services. She also assists the Executive Director with the organization of 2050Today’s High-Level, Parties Committee and Focal Points meetings. Giulia Brocco is employed by UNIGE and, in parallel, holds the position of Project Coordinator. She holds a Master of Arts degree in Asian Studies.