2050Today Members

WMO – World Meteorological Organization

Signatory institution of the 2050Today Charter

Contribution to climate action

WMO works to facilitate worldwide cooperation in the design and delivery of meteorological services, foster the rapid exchange of meteorological information, advance the standardization of meteorological data, build cooperation between meteorological and hydrological services, encourage research and training in meteorology, and expand the use of meteorology to benefit other sectors such as aviation, shipping, agriculture and water management. 

WMO greenhouse gas emissions have drastically decreased from 2019 (5,124 tons) to 2021 (668 tons), mainly due to the COVID effect, the restrictions of travels, virtual and hybrid meetings, and teleworking. WMO environmental policy will encourage the continuous effort to improve the working conditions in order to reduce its future greenhouse gas emissions.

Alignment with the strategy for sustainability management in the United Nations system, 2020-2030

Thematic actions


The WMO has taken proactive steps in enhancing its energy efficiency and mitigating climate impact. This is evident through the forthcoming connection to the Genilac project, utilizing hydrothermal technology sourced from Lake Léman for cooling and heating the WMO building. Additionally, the organization has implemented an upgrade of its building management system and transitioned to LED lighting systems in offices, further reducing energy consumption. Moreover, the imminent installation of photovoltaic panels on the building’s roof underscores WMO’s commitment to harnessing renewable energy sources for sustainable operations.


In alignment with WMO’s vision, the caterer operating in the building has committed to increase the daily vegetarian options, therefore reducing its carbon footprint by encouraging the consumption of local and seasonal produce and shortening the food supply chain.

Healthy habits are being promoted with the installation of free water fountains for all users in the restaurant.


The WMO has strategically addressed mobility concerns, implementing measures to minimize carbon emissions associated with travel. One significant initiative involves the adoption of a hybrid setup for WMO conferences, which effectively reduces the need for extensive travel. Moreover, the organization has developed a sophisticated model to compute CO2 emissions for international conferences, enabling the selection of meeting venues based on “minimum emissions” criteria. This approach ensures that environmental considerations are integrated into venue selection processes. Additionally, the widespread use of tele- and video-conferencing technology has become commonplace within the WMO, significantly limiting the necessity for physical travel. Furthermore, the implementation of teleworking practices among WMO staff further reduces commuting-related emissions, aligning with the organization’s commitment to sustainable mobility solutions.

Sustainable IT

In the realm of sustainable IT, the WMO has made significant strides towards reducing its environmental footprint. Through initiatives such as implementing better power management for data centers and computers, the organization has optimized energy usage and minimized wastage. Additionally, the consolidation of servers has led to increased efficiency and reduced resource consumption. Moreover, promoting improved user behavior in document and information sharing fosters a culture of sustainability within the organization. Embracing online collaboration tools and workflows has facilitated a transition towards a paperless workspace, reducing the reliance on physical resources. Furthermore, efforts to minimize data duplication not only streamline operations but also contribute to environmental conservation. Engaging with Green-IT certified suppliers further underscores WMO’s commitment to sustainable practices throughout its IT infrastructure.

Waste management

In its commitment to sustainable waste management practices, the WMO has implemented various initiatives to minimize its environmental impact. Firstly, the organization systematically sorts, weighs, and recycles solid waste through a local contractor, ensuring transparency and accountability in waste management efforts. Prioritizing reuse whenever possible, items such as retired IT equipment or furniture are given new life, reducing the demand for new resources. Furthermore, WMO has made significant strides in reducing paper usage by transitioning to electronic documents and publications distribution since 2012. This shift has not only minimized paper waste but also streamlined document circulation and archiving processes. Additionally, the organization actively participates in the collection and recycling of various materials, including paper, old computers, printer toners, and batteries. This comprehensive recycling program further contributes to waste reduction and resource conservation. To facilitate efficient waste sorting and recycling, WMO has established a centralized selective sorting waste system on each floor of its building, eliminating individual office bins. This centralized approach encourages staff participation in waste reduction efforts and ensures proper disposal practices are adhered to throughout the organization.

Green initiatives to move to zero use of plastic recipients are being implemented, such as the distribution of reusable mugs to staff to stop the use of paper and plastic cups for drinks.

Footprint and emissions by scope

2050Today’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions measurement methodology follows the GHG Protocol. The Protocol provides standards and guidance for organizations to measure and manage climate-warming emissions. It was created in 1998 through a partnership between the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

According to the GHG Protocol, the distribution of emissions is done by scopes:

Scope 1 represents direct emissions linked to the consumption of fossil fuels.

Scope 2 represents indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heating and cooling consumed by the reporting company.

Scope 3 includes all other indirect emissions that occur in a company’s value chain (i.e. purchased good or services, business travel, employee commuting).

The 2050Today carbon footprint takes into account the reported emissions generated by the activities of the institution over one year and is divided by categories:

Energy and water

It takes into account the amount of the consumed electricity produced and purchased by the institution. The energy consumed to heat and/or cool the institution’s building area and the consumed water are included as well.


It takes into consideration business travels and commuting (on a survey basis).


The CO2 impact of food includes the catering of the institution and individual consumption (on a survey basis) during working hours.

Purchased goods

The perimeter of purchased goods is set to a list of new office equipment, new mobility equipment (vehicles) and construction materials.


The perimeter of the waste inventory is set to waste production from facilities and internal operations of the institution

It has to be noted that the collected data of the 2050Today members resulting in each carbon footprint are not yet fully standardized and might not be entirely complete. Data collection is being progressively harmonized and improved. Therefore, direct comparisons between tCO2 / employee among institutions – be it in general or per sector – are not yet possible nor relevant.

To ensure the reliability, the accuracy and a recurrent updating of the carbon footprint assessment, 2050Today is advised by an international Carbon Footprint Scientific Committee.

Carbon Footprint

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