Climate action on Mobility
In Switzerland, mobility is a very important source of CO2 emissions. In 2020, CO2 emissions from transport (excluding air transport) totalled 13.4 million tons, which corresponds to almost 40% of total national emissions.
In addition, the CO2 impact of air transport is also very significant. In 2019, air transport was responsible for 11% of CO2 emissions in Switzerland. By applying a Radiative Forcing Index factor (RFI), the climate impact of air transport amounts to 27%.
The Canton of Geneva has set very ambitious targets for reducing CO2 emissions from transport by 2030:
- A 40% reduction in individual motorized traffic (cars and motorcycles/scooters)
- An increase of the share of electric vehicles: up to 40% of the Geneva car fleet
To achieve these objectives, the employers of the Canton in general, and the members of 2050Today in particular, have a major role to play in influencing and accompanying their employees and visitors to change their mobility habits in the direction of sustainability.
The 2050Today Charter recommends institutions to take action towards the following Sustainable Mobility objectives when defining their action plan.
1. Implementing incentives for sustainable mobility
2. Adopting parking management schemes favouring sustainable mobility
3. Providing innovative solutions for sustainable mobility
Objectives and Tools
You will find below the 6 thematic objectives of the 2050Today Charter corresponding to the Mobility sector and suggestions for corresponding actions. Based on an initial assessment, each institution should set its own specific actions to develop and implement its Action Plan. The selected actions will allow the definition of an individual action plan to meet tailored targets by 2025, 2028 and 2030. In order to carry out the assessment of the initial situation and define the individual action plan, a thematic measurement table on mobility is provided as tool.
Click on the bullet points for quick access
Creating and implementing a mobility action plan
The maturity and actions taken in terms of mobility management are potentially very different from one 2050Today member to another. In any case, the common objective is to act to reduce the CO2 impact of travel.
A mobility plan is a tool for finding solutions to the mobility and travel issues for employees of any public or private entity. In this regards, the mobility action plan is an integral part of a mobility plan and is established and followed to implement measures to encourage sustainable mobility with targets for 2025, 2028 and 203. These measures can be of several kinds, depending on the constraints and opportunities of each organisation. In any case, they should be primarily aimed at reducing single-car use.
Key components for a mobility action plan:
- Considering all modes of transportation on an equality basis
- Adopting a dynamic mobility management
- Providing active and continuous communication
- Proposing a comprehensive and coherent action plan
- Optimizing and organizing resources
To help organisations measure key indicators and implement or improve their mobility action plan, several resources are available:
Flash questionnaire for employees and participants in international meetings
This is a very short mobility survey. The answers obtained allow us to establish the modal shares, CO2 emissions and the km travelled for commuting and/or work trips.
Mobility training (group)
The training lasts 4 hours (2 sessions of 2 hours) and allows to highlight and detail the actions and measures that can be implemented to effectively reduce the modal share of “solo car”.
Mobility check-up
The mobility check-up allows you to establish the current state of your organization’s mobility management and to compare your current action plan with current best practices.
Management objectives
Objective 1 - Establishing management measures to ensure the action plan implementation
In order to ensure the successful implementation of the proposed measures, it is important to gather the necessary resources to maintain a coherent, adapted and evolving action plan over time. In addition, it is necessary that the project is regularly monitored, that all the actors are involved and that the human and financial resources are sufficient for the measures taken.
Basically, it is a question of being able to manage change by using appropriate tools (surveys, working groups, etc.).
- Implement a strategic steering group
- Establish a mobility manage
- Publishing “SMART” sustainability goals along with the action plan and the results of monitoring these goals
- Establish user advisory groups
- Implement a mobility management tool (fairmove type)
- Implement a mobility survey
Objective 2 - Monitoring sustainability over time
To be meaningful, it is essential to establish an annual monitoring by reporting on all actions and changes that have been implemented during the corresponding period as part of the commitment made by each organisation. This allows the approach to be formalized with employees and to be perpetuated independently of staff changes. These efforts should also serve to raise awareness among all stakeholders.
- Determining and documenting a method for monitoring the set goals
- Monitoring of key indicators
Objective 3 - Championing change and involving all stakeholders
Changing habits and behaviour takes time. Also, as part of a mobility action plan aimed at encouraging employees to come to their workplace other than by single car, it is essential to proceed in stages: raise awareness, communicate about possible alternatives, and have them tested before considering a change of transport mode. Communication is therefore a fundamental and cross-cutting element, which allows :
To assist the whole process of the mobility action plan
To prepare and to accompany employees for change
To remind employees periodically the process
To demonstrate the dynamics of the process
To inform about network changes
- Discovery pass (public transport, self-service bicycle, P+R…)
- Creation of a project identity (name, logo…)
- Website (or dedicated intranet page)
- Accessibility plan
- Presentation document of available services (Display (classic and/or screens), Zcard, …)
- Publishing an annual report on the mobility achievements
- Information stands, Newsletter/email, Collaborative tools (Teams, Slack…), General meetings (“Town Hall”)
Key indicators for Mobility
To monitor key indicators, the following information should be obtained at regular intervals for all users:
Commuting (home to work) of employees
- Place of residence (origin)
- Place of work (destination)
- Mode of transportation used (Note that the advent of electric cars is changing the game considerably in terms of CO2 emissions.)
- Office attendance rate. Note that the advent of widespread telecommuting changes the game considerably in terms of CO2 emissions.
Employee business travel
- Place of residence (origin)
- Place of destination
- Frequency of travel
- Mode of transport used
Travel of participants to international meetings
- Place of departure (origin)
- Mode of transport used
The analytical processing of these data makes it possible to approach the real CO2 emissions of each individual and, by extrapolation, of each institution and of the whole community.
The measure of the CO2 impact of mobility is essentially linked to the monitoring of three key indicators: the modal split, the kilometers traveled by each mode and their associated CO2 emissions. To ensure continuity and efficiency the assessment should take place at least every year.
Measuring CO2 emissions ensures :
- Monitoring and improving the environmental impact of travel
- Providing valid and reliable monitoring of the impact of mobility on GHG emissions
Setting up regular CO2 measurement intervals for each organisation to serve as a reference is important.
Standardized Excel file (available on demand)
Periodic evaluation by means of an Excel file:
- CO2 synthesis
- Calculation data
- Infrastructure
- Vehicles and mileage allowances
- Parking management
- Incentives
- Communication
- Internal management
Thematic objectives
Objective 4 - Implementing incentives for sustainable mobility
Business Travel
Business travel is one of the main sources of greenhouse gas emissions for institutions of International Geneva, with air travel being the primary contributor. Therefore, adopting a sustainable business travel policy is crucial to reducing the carbon footprint while maintaining operational efficiency.
A clear and consistent policy on business travel can shift employees’ habits by promoting more environmentally friendly alternatives. The active involvement of management and raising awareness among all staff members are essential elements for successfully implementing this transition.
To achieve this, clear guidelines must be established with measurable targets for reducing CO2 emissions, whether by choosing more sustainable modes of transport or by limiting the need for travel. Each trip should be carefully assessed to determine whether it is truly necessary or if it can be replaced by a virtual meeting.
- Defining a sustainable business travel policy
- Setting specific targets for external online meetings participation
- Setting specific targets for CO2 emissions reductions for travel by air
- Setting train as the mandatory mode of transport for short and medium range travel
- Giving priority to direct flights and the most CO2-efficient airlines
- Setting Economy / Economy plus as the mandatory class for travel by air
- Prohibiting flights between Swiss cities, including connecting flights
- Limiting the use of private vehicles for business travel to exceptional cases
- Switching to low carbon vehicles fleet
- Setting specific targets for the orgnization of international online meetings instead of in person
- Setting an internal contribution to a climate and sustainability fund when travelling by air
Incentives for alternative modes of transport to the single car must be provided in such a way that the willingness to change can be achieved gradually and in an attractive way. It is important to consider all modes of transport on an equal footing. It is therefore good practice to grant a contribution to transport costs, if possible equivalent (at least) to the cost of the parking space paid for by the company, to all employees who do not request a parking space. The aim is, on the one hand, to avoid the provision of free parking spaces and, on the other hand, to reward employees who are willing to adopt sustainable mobility and to facilitate their access to it.
- Public transport
- Subsidy
- Occasional self-drive
- Company shuttle
- Soft Mobility
- “No Parking” Bonus
- Occasional Parking Reservations
- Subsidy for the purchase of a bicycle
- Bicycle repair services
- P+R / P+B
- Subsidy
- Occasional self driving
- Carpooling
- Priority parking for carpoolers
- Carpool Pairing System
- Self-managed shuttles (vanpooling)
- Guaranteed return in case of unforeseen circumstances
- Carsharing
- Access to an external system
- Internal car-sharing system
- Remote Work
- Formalized practice
- Training of managers
- Authorised but informal practice
Objective 5 - Adopting parking management schemes favouring sustainable mobility
In order to optimise parking management within an organisation, the aim here is to regulate access to the car park in order to allocate the available spaces according to private and/or professional criteria, allowing access to those who need it most. In addition, occasional parking is offered to people who do not have permanent access to the car park in order to allow flexibility in mobility practices and to ensure that the car park is filled to capacity.
In addition to establishing criteria for the allocation of spaces, pricing is also a means of acting on commuting mobility (a free space available leads to private car use by 45% of working people, which is only 33% when it is paid for).
- Parking fee
- Priority parking for carpoolers
- Allocation and exclusion criteria
- Flexible parking on demand
- Allowing occasional unlimited free parking for carpoolers per travel
Objective 6 - Providing innovative solutions for sustainable mobility
- Communicating internal and external results (and future objectives)
- Communicating good practice in terms of mobility management.
- Raising awareness of the challenges of sustainable mobility.
- Raising awareness about the environmental impact of mobility
- Encouraging the transition to alternative modes of mobility.
Assessment and Action Plan Tool
The Assessment and Action Plan Tool suggests actions corresponding to the 6 Mobility sector objectives of the Charter as a reference for an Action Plan definition. Based on an initial assessment, each institution should adopt its own actions, and develop and implement its own action plan in order to meet its own targets by 2025, 2028 and 2030.
The proposed objectives and actions are non-exhaustive examples and are listed according to the Impact indicator priority with suggested targets :
Level 1 : Maximum priority
Level 2 : Highly important
Level 3 : Recommended
Mobility Assessment and Action Plan Tool
2050Today Charter © 2023 by 2050Today is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0