Defining a comprehensive Action Plan
In order to define a comprehensive climate action plan, each participating institution is recommended to read the sectoral guidelines. They provide an understanding of the framework for action sector by sector. They suggest specific objectives for each sector in order to guide the necessary actions.
Once this stage has been completed, it is recommended that the Assessment and Action Plan Tool be used. This tool makes it possible to evaluate – sector by sector – the measures or actions that have or have not yet been undertaken, and to choose the actions to be implemented accordingly by selecting the target dates.
Guidelines by sector
The 2050Today Charter offers Guidelines by sector: Biodiversity, Energy, Food, Mobility, Sustainable IT, Waste Management.
In order to provide easy to use guidance the Guidelines propose specific Management and Thematic Objectives for intervention sector by sector. These objectives provide detailed descriptions for enhanced and informed climate action.
Management Objectives
In order to successfully implement their defined action plan, participating institutions are invited to set up – for each selected sector – the appropriate management framework to achieve the following objectives:
- Establishing management measures to ensure the action plan implementation
- Monitoring sustainability over time
- Championing change and involving all stakeholders
These three objectives apply to all areas of intervention. As their achievement by sector may require specific and different actions, the appendix proposes respective actions for each sector.
Thematic Objectives
To define their action plan, participating institutions are invited to follow the specific Thematic Objectives proposed for each sector. They are available on the Guidelines page of each sector.
Click on the boxes to access the Guidelines by sector.
Assessment and Action Plan Tools by sector
An Assessment and Action Plan Tool is available either globally for all sectors, or per specific sector, to enable an in-depth assessment of the initial situation specific to each institution. Based on their own assessment, participating institutions can then define their action plan using the proposed objectives, actions, and targets.
Click on the boxes to download the Assessment and Action Plan Tools globally or by sector.
GLOBAL – Assessment and Action Plan Tool
BIODIVERSITY – Assessment and Action Plan Tool
ENERGY- Assessment and Action Plan Tool
FOOD – Assessment and Action Plan Tool
MOBILITY – Assessment and Action Plan Tool
SUSTAINABLE IT – Assessment and Action Plan Tool
WASTE MANAGEMENT – Assessment and Action Plan Tool
2050Today Charter © 2023 by 2050Today is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0