2050Today Members

EGPAF – Elisabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (Geneva Office)

Signatory institution of the 2050Today Charter

Contribution to climate action

The Elizabeth Glaser Pediatric AIDS Foundation (EGPAF) is committed to taking effective and impactful measures to combat climate change. We cannot achieve our mission to end HIV/AIDS globally in children, youth, and families without mitigating the effects of climate change. Climate change is already adversely affecting human health and health systems, including efforts to reduce HIV transmission, interruption in HIV and TB care and treatment, and morbidity and mortality rate of people living with HIV and TB. Considering this, and by joining the 2050Today initiative, EGPAF aims to implement a set of climate actions aimed at decreasing EGPAF’s carbon emissions and combating the negative effects of climate change on our mission. EGPAF has recently established its global baseline carbon footprint and is developing a reduction roadmap and action plan. The following climate actions are already in place at the Geneva office level.

Thematic actions


In 2024, EGPAF Geneva will move to the energy-efficient Green Village. The Green Village is the first project in the canton of Geneva to be SEED next generation living-certified.


At EGPAF Geneva we try to prioritize caterers using seasonal, locally sourced food and beverages.


The majority of EGPAF Geneva employees commute by public transport or bike. A flexible work policy allows staff to work from home, reducing commuting-related emissions.
As an international organization, we work closely with our teams across sub-Saharan Africa and in the US. Online and remote meetings are our preferred means of communication, but at times, business travel is unavoidable. Where travel is required to drive our mission, direct travel is preferred wherever possible, and the EGPAF Geneva team flies exclusively economy.

Waste management

EGPAF Geneva office has reduced single used items such as plastic cups and utensils almost exclusively utilizing washable kitchen items. Plastic beverage bottles are reduced to the strict minimum and tap water is the preferred option.

The carbon footprint is currently being calculated and will soon be available here.

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