2050Today Members

Open Geneva

Signatory institution of the 2050Today Charter

Contribution to climate action

Open Geneva is firmly dedicated to climate action, endeavoring to achieve a 50% reduction in its carbon footprint by 2030 and reach the carbon neutrality by 2050, in conjunction with the other institutions of the International Geneva.

Thematic actions


All meals served at our many events are vegetarian and based on local, seasonal produce. We pay careful attention to the quantities of food we buy, to avoid food waste as much as possible.


We encourage participants in our events to use public transport. For example, during the Open Innovation Festival – our biggest event – we developed partnerships with Genève Roule and Carvelo to encourage our 1,000 participants to use soft mobility to get around the city.

Waste management

We encourage the use of reusable dishes as much as possible, and limit the use of plastic bottles and single doses of coffee to keep waste to a minimum at our events. We educate our participants to limit the amount of waste produced as much as possible with dedicated communications and by providing reusable dishes and eco-cups. We systematically sort our waste at the end of each event, involving our participants in this task.

The carbon footprint is currently being calculated and will soon be available here.