2050Today Members

Permanent Mission of Norway

Signatory institution of the 2050Today Charter - ACTION PLAN adopted

Our focus has been on simple but effective everyday measures in the workplace. From energy saving to waste management, our Mission is actively working towards a greener future.

The permanent Mission of Norway 's climate Plan in a nutshell

GHG Reduction Objective by 2030 : - 15%

by implementing its climate action Plan, the permanent Mission of Norway aims to reduce its overall GHG emissions (from 2022 levels) by 15%

ENERGY emissions reduction ≤ 30%

Actions completed in 2024 : 20

Actions to be implemented by 2030: 40

Contribution to climate action

The Permanent mission of Norway in Geneva shares guidelines on sustainable office practices with all the employees. The guidelines and recommendations are reviewed annually. This office policy was initiated in 2012.

Thematic actions


Energy efficient lightbulbs such as LEDs, were introduced in the office in 2013, to replace fluorescent and halogen lighting.
The employees of the mission are encouraged turn off lights when leaving the office to save energy, and to only run the dishwasher when it is full.


The mission encourages to purchase sustainable food for meetings and events. Organic/bio locally produced wine, and vegan or vegetarian menus at selected events (increasingly so). Catering services are also expected to be using local products. The mission asks for local products and ask all caterers to use reusable items (to avoid one-off, plastic usage).


The Permanent Mission of Norway encourages its employees to think about their mobility in a sustainable way and it has had a great effect on the choice of transport mode amongst the mission’s staff.

Some of the policies include:

  • Walk when the meeting is close by
  • Use shared bikes provided by the mission
  • Use carpooling if several people from the mission need to attend the same meeting

Additionally, the residences were equipped with home fast charging points for electric vehicles.

Sustainable IT

Employees encouraged to enable power saver features on computers and electronical-equipment to reduce power consumption as well as to unplug the devices which are not in use.

Waste management

The Permanent Mission of Norway outlines the following policies to take into account waste management:

Plastic-bottled water was replaced with tap water in reusable glass bottles (using Geneva “Eau-de Geneve” glass ‘carafes’ from Industrial Services of Geneva (LSIG). Change implemented in 2018 at the Mission. Also applies when organising events at external venues such as at the UN or hotels.

Furthermore the mission has:

  • Eliminated use of disposable products in staff kitchen and residence – including plates, cups and utensils.
  • Implemented paper, plastic and biowaste recycling at the office and residences
  • Replaced all cleaning products with a bio version without toxic chemicals.
  • Encouraged employees to print only if absolutely necessary and to print double-sided.
  • Replaced multifunction copy machines by smaller, more economic machines.

Upon request from Permanent Mission of Norway to UNOG’s Official Document System (ODS) in 2011, the Permanent Mission of Norway no longer receives printed material and official documentation (pigeon hole delivery), when such is available electronically. Upon request from Ministry of Foreign Affairs Oslo in 2019 cancellation of all printed material and official documentation deliveries sent to MFA Norway from UN/OHCHR/UNHCR Geneva when such is available electronically.

Staff engagements:

Organised a staff visit of the La Step – Bois-de-Bay treatment plant, and learning how they are treating Geneva’s wastewater and preserving quality of the water discharged in the Rhône.

Used the annual welfare day for a walk through the woods, close to the mission, while cleaning up all trash found during the walk.

Staff participates in local clean-up ‘actions’ such as, Net’Léman and Genève Action Lac proper

Footprint and emissions by scope

2050Today’s greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions measurement methodology follows the GHG Protocol. The Protocol provides standards and guidance for organizations to measure and manage climate-warming emissions. It was created in 1998 through a partnership between the World Resources Institute (WRI) and the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD).

According to the GHG Protocol, the distribution of emissions is done by scopes:

Scope 1 represents direct emissions linked to the consumption of fossil fuels.

Scope 2 represents indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity, steam, heating and cooling consumed by the reporting company.

Scope 3 includes all other indirect emissions that occur in a company’s value chain (i.e. purchased good or services, business travel, employee commuting).

The 2050Today carbon footprint takes into account the reported emissions generated by the activities of the institution over one year and is divided by categories:

Energy and water

It takes into account the amount of the consumed electricity produced and purchased by the institution. The energy consumed to heat and/or cool the institution’s building area and the consumed water are included as well.


It takes into consideration business travels and commuting (on a survey basis).


The CO2 impact of food includes the catering of the institution and individual consumption (on a survey basis) during working hours.

Purchased goods

The perimeter of purchased goods is set to a list of new office equipment, new mobility equipment (vehicles) and construction materials.


The perimeter of the waste inventory is set to waste production from facilities and internal operations of the institution

It has to be noted that the collected data of the 2050Today members resulting in each carbon footprint are not yet fully standardized and might not be entirely complete. Data collection is being progressively harmonized and improved. Therefore, direct comparisons between tCO2 / employee among institutions – be it in general or per sector – are not yet possible nor relevant.

To ensure the reliability, the accuracy and a recurrent updating of the carbon footprint assessment, 2050Today is advised by an international Carbon Footprint Scientific Committee.

Carbon Footprint