

2050Today Training courses

Mobility Training Workshop

Rethinking Mobility in the Organisation

25 & 31.05.2023, 2-4 pm

Increasingly faced with legal and environmental imperatives, employers are now having to reconsider their employees’ travel.

In this context, 2050Today offers its members a training course divided into two 2-hour sessions with the objective of

  • Raising awareness on the challenges and objectives of managing their staff mobility
  • Explaining the steps and good practices of a mobility plan
  • Establishing a first inventory of the mobility management
  • Allowing institutions to present their mobility plans (motivations, issues, objectives, measures, results)

This training is provided by mobilidée and is aimed at staff in charge of managing employee’s mobility in the organisation (Human resources, Building / Facility management, Sustainability policy personnel).

The workshop is also available in French on other dates.

The training is free of charge and will be held on Thursday 25 and Wednesday 31 May 2023 from 14:00 to 16:00.

Participation is limited to 15 people per session.


REGISTRATION until Tuesday 9 May 2023

Workshop location :
17-19 rue de la Servette
1202 Geneva